Revolutionizing Retail
Training with Talgro's LMS


The Retail industry has witnessed exponential growth due to the globalization of goods and services in developed as well as developing nations. This also has led to large, medium and small retail chains expanding their footprints across their own country as well as outside. The expansion strategy is largely involving Franchise models, local partners and investors. Success in the retail industry is dependent on providing best-in-class and consistent service to customers, irrespective of the geography thereby protecting the brand.

Retail organizations hire in large numbers across geographies to service customers for their products and services. The industry also deals with high employee turnover, posing a challenge to bring a new employee up to speed at a very short time. Staff training involves a cross spectrum of people in Stores, Manufacturing, Design & Development, Logistics, Supply chain, Safely & Security, Quality controls, Project Management among others. The other challenge in this industry is to keep employees engaged and ready to tackle emerging challenges, all of which requires learner-focused content and high-engagement pedagogy.

Talgro's AI and ML engine enables curated and learner-centric content to be aligned with each person's learning path automatically. Integration with multiple online assessment platforms further enables deep understanding of learning gaps. Functionalities like Live Analytics and Team reporting allow L&D leaders and Managers to quickly identify gaps and address them. All of this ensures that learning is rapid, relevant and learner focused.

Talgro takes into consideration the need for compliance in this industry and provides an ecosystem that enables data encryption, authentication and application security. The robust learning management technology makes it easy for HR and L&D Managers to focus their time and effort on higher value tasks while the Talgro platform takes care of automating the manual tasks.

Why Talgro for Retail Industry